\\  How to create anchor tags from one page to another or within one page

Anchor Tags How to create them

How to create anchor tags to take a user from one page to another or to take someone from one section to another on the same page.

below is the DIV ID tag code that you want to take the user back to.

<div id="foobar">
Some content here that you want the user to be able to get back to quickly!

Then link to the DIV ID tag on the same page like this below:

<a href="#foobar">Some Link</a>

Or to a different page like this:

<a href="pagename.html#foobar">Some Link</a>


Here is another sample below:

(first you see the ID topnav in the header ID tag below)

<!--Navigation Begin-->
<!-- TOP NAV -->
<header id="topNav">
<div class="container"></div>

(next you see the href="#topNav">BACK TO TOP below to take a user back to the place you want them to be able to go to quickly)

<!-- copyright , scrollTo Top -->
<div class="footer-bar">
<div class="container">
<span class="copyright">Copyright &copy; TonyStates.com | All Rights Reserved.</span>
<a class="toTop" href="#topNav">BACK TO TOP <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up"></i></a>
<!-- copyright , scrollTo Top -->

if you go to the very bottom of this page and look for the text "BACK TO TOP" and click on it, ->back to the top you will go!

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